Frank Bruno, Tracy Postic Win ECRM-RangeMe National Selfie Day Contest 6/22/2018
Frank Bruno, Health Care Buyer for Harmon's/Bed Bath & Beyond, and Tracy Postic, Owner of Millie's kitchen creations were the winners of the ECRM-RangeMe National Selfie Day contest, in which retailers and suppliers were invited to post an image using the hashtage #NationalSelfieDay and #ECRMRangeMe. Entrants wree judged on the uniqueness of their posts by the ECRM staff. (Okay, it was a bit informal, but we're talking selfies here!)
Frank won the retailer award for a post of him in the working on his analgesics planogram (though I blurred out the products for this post), and Tracy was the winner for posting a set of selfies taken by her team member Sandy Sorenson with their newest product, the Cup of Joe Griddle N Fusion breakfast sandwich, which happened to be -- and I'm not lying here -- named after me. (No bias in the judging this one, of course!) Below are the winning posts -- both Frank and Tracy will each receive a $25 Amazon e-gift card (Tracy, I hope you share it with Sandy!)

The ECRM team got into the occasion, as well, posting some unique selfies of their own. Here they are: